first day

2/3/14 First Day, First Everything

My first day started with getting the bus from right out Clark’s main gate to City Hall in Worcester. BBBSCM is located inside an old department store, and my next task was navigating through the various shops and escalators to get to the actual BBBSCM office. Once inside, I met John, the Development Director/my boss, Joy, the Development Assistant, and said hello to Jeff, the CEO. After a tour from Joy I was surprised to learn that 1. the place is tiny, only about 10-15 people work there! and 2. there are more Clarkies, at the graduate or undergraduate level, that work there than I thought.

I had a catch-up/orientation meeting with John and Jeff, where I received a list of things they thought I could work on while I was with BBBSCM. This list included, but was not limited to: social media strategy, video content, events planning, blogging, photography, and e-newsletters. This meeting made me so excited to work with BBBSCM because one of my major worries was that I would receive tasks that I knew nothing about, would begin to sink into a pool of stress, and ultimately not be a good fit. This meeting proved otherwise—everything on my list I had a certain degree of familiarity and experience in. I was more excited than ever to begin.

My first real task was rummaging through the company server to learn more about BBBSCM as a whole—their mentoring program, their events, etc. It was a good way to get acquainted with the mentoring program, which is the core of BBBSCM that everything else they do supports.

Here’s to a great first day at a great first internship!